Wednesday 25 June 2014

Introductory Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Book

Introductory Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Part–A [Introductory Microeconomics]
Unit–I: Introduction
1. Introduction and Central Problems of an Economy

Unit–II: Consumer Equilibrium and Demand
2. Consumer’s Equilibrium
3. Theory of Demand
4. Elasticity of Demand

Unit–III: Producer Behaviour and Supply
5. Theory of Supply and Elasticity of Supply
6. Production Function-Returns to a Factor
7. Theory of Cost and Cost Curves
8. Revenue Curves
9. Producer’s Equilibrium

Unit–IV: Forms of Market and Price Determination
10. Forms of Market
11. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition

Part–B [Introductory Macroeconomics]
Unit–VI: National Income and Related Aggregates
12. Circular Flow of Income
13. National Income and Related Aggregates
14. Methods of Measuring National Income

Unit–VII: Money and Banking
15. Money
16. Central Bank and Money Creation

Unit–V III: Determination of Income and Employment
17. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
18. Income Determination and Multiplier
19. Problems of Excess Demand and Deficient Demand

Unit–IX: Government Budget and the Economy
20. Government Budget and The Economy

Unit–X: Balance of Payments
21. Foreign Exchange Rate
22. Balance of Payments

Part–C [Papers]
SP. Sample Papers
EP. Examination Papers-2010-12
MP. Model Test Papers

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